Is confidence a trick?
We all know someone who seems supremely confident. And one of the most popular requests from our clients is “Can you help me improve my confidence?”
And the answer is, “Yes, we can”. We are confident in saying that because the key to confidence lies within all of us. And even the most confident people feel that they are not confident ALL of the time.
So, how do we change that self-limiting feeling?
If you are confident ‘sometimes’, we take a close look at why that is.
Confidence is psychological and physical, once you discover what makes you confident you embody it. Then your confidence sends an unconscious signal to those around you, who start to treat you differently.
Some call it ‘presence’ or ‘charisma’, but it’s not a trick; it’s like exercising a mental muscle that may have not been used for a while. We need to get your inner confidence ‘fit’ again.
Some people think they were never confident. They feel that they have been so battered by their negative life experiences that they do not have the resources within them. We understand why people feel like that, but that does not mean that they are unable to grow their confidence.
It often means that they have taken on board criticism, gas-lighting, psychological abuse and bullying from key people in their lives. And worse, still, they have come to believe it.
And if you believe that you lack confidence, it will show and self-perpetuate. You will find yourself believing that about yourself and your unconscious mind will reinforce those negative thoughts because it has been primed to prove to you that you’re not confident.
We have to break that negative mental pattern and start to rebuild our perceptions of ourselves.
It can be done. And there’s nothing more beautiful to see than someone growing into their own confidence, trying it out on the world and noticing the change.
So whoever you are and whatever your experiences, there is a way through it. It’s not about ‘faking it’, although some people do, it’s about undoing negative thinking that you have taken as truth when it isn’t.
The truth is you can be confident as your authentic self. It’s just a matter of learning how.