what is NLP?

NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic-Programming often attracts controversy. That’s because some of the tools and the techniques have been adapted and used by salespeople to influence people to buy and so called “Alpha Males” online, the sort of creeps that run courses and workshops on malign techniques to get girls and women to have sex with them.

Originally, it was about the power of language to influence how people feel and behave and to understand how people take in information differently. The idea was to study people who positively influenced others and break down their skills to discover what people could learn from them.

In therapy and coaching, we teach NLP techniques to people for positive reasons, such as building friendships and alliances, strengthening self-confidence and presentation skills and, most of all, getting to understand how the way you think has a major effect on how you feel.

Here’s a quick primer on how it works:

N = Neurological

‘Neurological’ means the nervous system and brain.

In NLP, we are trying to change ‘patterns’ your brain has created from how you intake information from the outside world and process it into memories and beliefs about yourself.

You can make more positive and helpful changes by re-examining your unhelpful patterns and assumptions about past situations and re-framing them so they no longer influence you.

L = Linguistic

‘Linguistic’ means ‘of language’ or the words we speak.

Without realising it, the words we use when speaking to others or even the words we think to ourselves are linked to how we experience the world and how we take in and process information.

Through these words, we can help you identify your natural mental strengths and understand how you learn, interact with others and build better relationships with them and yourself.

P = Programming

‘Programming’ in NLP, means that I help you understand the patterns your brain mistakenly uses that are often behind negative thoughts and behaviours. This isn’t about mind-washing or influencing other people!

NLP can be beneficial when applied positively. It can change how you approach different situations and help build confidence and better relationships with others.

Your brain is ‘plastic’, which means it can change and grow; in fact, you can change the ‘programming’ in more valuable ways.

If you are interested in learning more, pop a message into the comments or head over to our recommended reading page and see some of the books we have used to learn about NLP ourselves.

Caroline Wilde

Welcome to Wilde Minds. I offer online therapy for people that want to change something in their lives. I believe everyone can be empowered to live their best life and I’m always happy to share tips and tools to help.


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